Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Legong Kraton Dance

Legong Kraton dance represents a classic dance since empire age. This dance is unknown surely who created it, but this dance is very popular learned by young generation in Kuta with their trainer name Lotring.

Mostly, this dance tells about the empire, danced well with Bali dance feature perfectly.

This Legong Kraton dance tells about Prabu Lasem and his wife Langkesari, which his wife followed a black magic. In the beginning of this dance tells their servant (condong) prepared to face their King and Queen. After getting prepared, arrive the King and Queen and spontaneously the servant (condong) sit with knees bend and gave respect. It was been a routine for servant to serve the King, which in this dance condong lively serving his master one by one. After finished her duty, condong immediately to say goodbye to accomplish other duties. King and Queen then had making love, but Prabu Lasem had bad intention to steal black magic charm often borught by his wife. Hence happened dispute on them and eventually the Queen changed into Mythical Bird. The King was very angry and chased the bird and back happened a battle between them.

Costume of this Legong Kraton dance uses dress with empire nuance. Kamben and long sleeve contains gold ink illustration (prada) also other accessories such as ampok ampok (on waist), sesimping and badong (on chest), lamak (on chest) as unique feature of King and Queen, and not to be forgotten, gelungan (crown on the head) as greatness symbol of King and Queen. In dominant, Legong dance had classic nuance owns equal dress and bring fan.

Existence of this Legong Kraton from the past until today remain the same only the color of costume only is change as according to artists desire to dance. It becomes a pride for me to dance choreographer on that time, so that today influenced by modernization, still remain unchanged at all